Ahh yes, my sophomore year in high school...

1 year ago

One time, a student in class my sophomore year said they wanted to sit in a padded office chair because for some reason, everybody liked that chair

Justin: Can I sit in the special chair?
Teacher: No
Justin: But I'm the special... Kid
Me: *laughs* You're special alright
teacher: *looks at me*
Me: *chuckles* You ma--
Me: *laughs*
Me: *laughs harder* You--
Me: *begins cackling* Y-- *looks at Ali (another student) and sees she's staring at me*
Me: *puts my arm on the desk, buries my face in it, and slams my fist on the desk, continues cackling* You--
Me: *continues cackling violently* You--
Me: *manages to push up through my cackling,* You mad bro?
Teacher: No, but you're gonna be sad bro when I send you to the office
me: *stops cackling*... Okay

The game is Roblox and the minigame is "The Presentation Experience"

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