Amazon Sellers: Increase Your Sales Overnight with These 6 Hacks

1 year ago

Amazon Sellers: Increase Your Sales Overnight with These 6 Hacks

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Are you an Amazon seller, but you’re not getting the sales you thought you would?

One of the most demoralizing things for new sellers is when they’re all excited about a business model, the jump fall into it 90 miles an hour, don’t get the results are looking for out of the gate, and then get burn out and hopeless.

And these days we’re bombarded with videos of other people succeeding with that business… which often leaves you wondering why all these other people are successful and where are you went wrong.

I get it. I’ve been there. And chances are you’re overlooking one of these simple things.

In this video we’re going to cover several things to keep in mind to make sure you’re maximizing sales on Amazon…

Checking off all these boxes will ensure your Amazon game is as strong as possible.

Make sure you’re using a re-pricing software
If you were trying to compete on Amazon without a repricing software, you’re going to seriously struggle. It’s that simple.

The way Amazon listings are set up means you’re competing with other sellers ON each listing in order to win sales.

Price is THE biggest factor when it comes to winning the buybox on Amazon.

And there are so many softwares out there that can help make sure your prices as competitive as possible…. That way you can make as many sales as possible… And ultimately as much money as possible.

For beginners, I always recommend the free repricer that comes in seller central.

It doesn’t have all the bells and whistles of some of the expensive ones out there, but it’s completely free so it will keep your costs low….

Plus It works fairly well for being free….you can learn how a repricer works BEFORE you spend hundreds of dollars per month on a fancy one (if you do decide to upgrade in the future)

…and It does the main things you need it to do (match the buy box, match the lowest price, and sent your minimum price, so it never prices you at a profit)

Is a fairly obvious one for most sellers but I do see some people still NOT doing it….ship your products into FBA

This isn’t always the case for everyone (for example dropshippers)….But it is for most people.

If you’re doing arbitrage, wholesale, or private label… and you’re not shipping your products into FBA, you’re competing with one hand tie behind your back.

As we touched on a number one, price is the most important factor when it comes to getting the buybox and winning sales on Amazon.

BUT the second most important thing is availability to the customer.

That means if your product can be shipped to the customer in 2 to 3 days …. And you’re competing against someone whose product won’t get to the customer until 4 to 5 days…. You have a major advantage.

Plus, you can often charge more money for the same product because of this.

And the easiest way to cut your shipping time…. And increase availability to the customer… east to ship your products in the FBA.

If you don’t know how to do that, check out the video up in the right hand corner right now. I’ll also put it at the bottom of a description.

Understand listing demand and expected sales
It’s crucial to understand demand on a listing versus the competition on that listing…..and how to gage both to make informed decisions.

This will help you understand how many products to source for each listing, how fast you can expect them to sell, and what the current competition climate on each looks like.

For example, if you’re sourcing products for a listing that doesn’t have much expected sales…. Well, you won’t make any sales.

Just the same, if you’re sourcing for a listing that has a lot of competitors, you’ll be competing with a lot of other sellers… and it’ll take longer to sell.

This is more of an art than a science, of course…. But there are tools out there that can give you data on every single one of these important things so you can make the best, most informed decision possible…. And become a master of judging listings.

How to Ship Products into Amazon FBA:
Streamline Your Amazon Business with These Time-Saving Templates for Customer Service:

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