Love and the White Rasta--The Bret Lueder Show Episode #32 with Guest Social Activist Robert Roskind

1 year ago

In Part I of this episode, Author of Rasta Heart: A Journey into One Love, Robert Roskind, aka "Ras Kind," describes the Mystery School "rule sets" which he became aware of through deep spiritual experiences with a variety of beings and which he attempts to spread around the world through his books, Rasta Heart and Gathering of the Healers, among others, and through his public speaking and event creation. One such event, the Fires of Forgiveness, was held at various places in Jamaica in the early 2000's and was designed to gather people together to give collective space to allow for the releasing forgiveness for whatever individual or mass emotional issuers that needs to be healed, all for the benefit of the Jamaican people and the Earth. Ras Kind tells of the beings that taught him these Mystery School rule sets all within a context of love, the most powerful force in the Universe. Ras Kind does not wish to be contacted but his books can be found on the Internet.

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