1 year ago

The Modern Way to War. No such thing as a day without Space Operations. 17,000 miles an hour even a COIN can become a WEAPON. The Giant Leap.
Juan has talked about this on almost every show. The headquarters for Space Force is Cheyenne Mountain where the entire SatComm Center is located. Which now containing the "Biscuit" and know this.. it is SAFE. Locked and Sealed the Best and the Brightest are Watching everything with MANKIND in MIND. Here is an interesting article that states the Civilian Command Center now in Colorado is fighting for this location. I wonder why? Is it just jobs and Political loot or another issue. Read the details of this "disagreement" and if Trump is not CIC couldn't Biden have intervened right? Colorado is near the biggest Missile defense trio in the World. Malstrom AFB in Great Falls, Montana, Minot AFB, South Dakota and F.E. Warner AFB in Cheyenne WY.
F.E. Warren Air Force Base was first Fort D.A. Russell, established in 1867 as a cavalry post. In 1947 the fort was transferred to the U.S. Air Force, and is the oldest continually active base in that branch of the military. Today, Whipple explains, the facility “has no airplanes. It is, however, one of the largest missile-command bases in the nation.” And part of that is in Colorado. Right along Hwy 25 going down into Denver (the Airport there is full of Satanic Symbolism).
“Semper Supra" was named after the USSF motto, which is Latin for "Always Above." It was created to capture the esprit de corps of both current and future Guardians, and intends to bring together service members by giving them a sense of pride.

The Official U.S. Space Force Song The U.S. Space Force, the newest military branch established in 2019, has officially adopted its own song titled “Semper Supra” that was unveiled during the 2022 Air Force Association Air, Space and Cyber Conference in National Harbor, Maryland, Sept. 20.

We're the mighty watchful eye,
Guardians beyond the blue,
The invisible front line,
Warfighters brave and true.
Boldly reaching into space,
There's no limit to our sky.
Standing guard both night and day,
We're the Space Force from on high.

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