How Bud Light Got Woke & Went Broke - MGTOW

1 year ago

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Bud Lite Crashes 30%

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from the one, the only Miss Fat Cat and here's what she has to say very briefly for a change: "Hello Sandman, My hubby showed me a video called Bud Light Crashes 30% After Endorsement of Dylan Mulvaney on YouTube and I want your take on it in case no one made a topic request for this. The reason I can't stand the female VP of marketing is because she does not understand how statistics work. The reason most sales on pretty much everything is on the decline has the do with the population growing older and not drinking as much as the used to. There is also the issue of the population getting smaller as to why sales are going down. I have not done any research on the topic, but even I know that much. Go woke, go broke does not even cover this. This is an idiot that does not get basic economics. My god, my dad would have my head if I blundered like this." Well Miss Fat Cat thanks for the donation and topic. This beer story where Bud Lite hired Dylan Mulvaney to be their spokeswoman for bud lite has backfired and cost the Anheisser Busch company 30% of it's business and apparently drought beer sales for the company plummeted 50%. They saw an 83% drop in business in Boston as people ordered something else. There was an 58% drop in the New York gay community. I had no idea how crazy the numbers were. The video you sent me which I put in the description gets into that. But you're wrong about the population falling. It's going up in Europe, America and Canada, the primary beer drinking markets. It's just the demographics that are changing. The product is out of date with younger people and 20% of gen z identify as gay or trans. So Bud Lite is doing what companies like Disney are doing. Trying to get young people interested. The video you sent me the guys were completely out of touch. They kept saying that most of gen z is under 21 so they can't even buy beer. But any 16 year old at a party can get it these days. What's more here are some pictures of that VP of marketing drinking at a Frat party. She even goes onto say in one of her interviews that she wants to break up frat boy culture which is a fancy way of saying she wants to destroy male spaces. Her marketing campaign is also a success from the standpoint of ESG or environmental and social governance. Companies increasingly don't measure their success based on profit but by how much they can virtue signal. It was only getting a score of 18 which is low so this is going to bring it up. So the woman in charge of marketing might even get a promotion out of this. But as for business itself her so called successful failure means that there will be opportunities for other beer companies to get a greater piece of the market share. There are tons of great microbreweries out there with good quality products that deserve to make money. Also as the population grows it's being replaced by Mexican's that drink sol beer or maybe even corona. As more Muslims come in they for the most part don't even drink. But traditional beer drinkers are disappearing. 19.7% of Gen Z identify as LGBT and they are more likely to drink things like mojitos. Even I never liked beer because it tasted mostly like piss water. The only beers I liked were brewed by monks and imported from Germany. People are increasingly drinking higher quality beers from microbreweries that's been more fine crafted than mass produced. The giant beer factories in Toronto that I saw along the waterfront while growing up the size of ten or twenty story buildings are gone. There's still a giant one by the airport but people don't want that anymore I'll discuss more in a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The MGTOW book collection part 2:

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