Transracial American sets the record straight (FBA)

1 year ago

There are a group of black folks out there that called themselves Foundational Black Americans (FBA) The group was founded by Tariq Nasheed a self proclaimed Race Baiter, the Organization claims that they were the first group of people in America,yes they believe that they are the real native Indians and that they are the ones that built America ,while they don’t like every other groups in America,believe it or not,Africans and Black Immigrants are their Main Enemies,they claim that they were brought to America to replace them even though there are less than three million black immigrants in America and over forty million of Black Americans.Even though it’s mainly an online movement,there have been a couple of instances where it spilled into the streets,the one that made national news was the Brooklyn Subway Attack by Frank James who is a follower of Tariq Nasheed,he has posted videos on social media disparaging Africans.Another goal of them is reparations,they believe that they are owed over 20 trillion dollars in reparations and they will do everything in their power to stop Africans and Black immigrants to get of that money.

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