Love is the Way

1 year ago

Staged faints spare blades. Journey into my visions frame by frame. Time walks beside the creature who can not hide. Inquiries of beasts without bias. Culture of nine divines treated like fine wine. I ask only to speculate the honest truth. How many people came in through the roof? Bronze youth and devils fruit. Heaven's king asks to be excused. I am not mute, but speak with refined elegance and I am astute. Shore up the storm rages. Qualifications: Who are the true sages? Our destiny is refined further. Open the floodgates and we swim faster. Sufficient to don the garb of a true master. Amber glow and emerald shine. I often repeat limitless rhymes to remind me, I am trapped inside this globe and cautionary foe’s engage in spiritual combat. Rewind that I begate things that can still destroy our woes. Best wishes to my sweet K

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