Reactivating the Blueprint of Our Natural Brains -- The Animal Communicator

1 year ago

Anna Breytenbach is an internationally acclaimed professional interspecies communicator, based in Europe and practicing for 20 years on several continents. Native to South Africa, she holds a degree in Psychology and studied telepathic animal communication with the Assisi Institute in California as well as tracking and mentoring at the Wilderness Awareness School in Seattle.

Her work is the subject of the documentary “The Animal Communicator”, watched by millions of people. As an experienced master facilitator, Anna focuses on mentoring in a practical manner that reminds us humans of the ways of indigenous nature awareness. She has guided thousands of people to rediscover and develop their natural senses and connection with all species in an honoring manner.

Anna’s consultation work is exclusively with wild places and beings, facilitating peaceful interventions globally via remote work. This includes predator research, wilderness protection, anti-poaching assistance, reforestation initiatives, wildlife management and rehabilitation as well as numerous public appearances as an inspirational speaker. Anna is inspired by being a voice for animals and natural environments, sharing wild wisdoms for the benefit of all.

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