Learn How To Avoid Distraction In A World That Is Full Of It

1 year ago

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Learn How To Avoid Distraction In A World That Is Full Of It
The right approach is to ask whether the external trigger is serving you, or are you serving it.
One you recognize they want you distracted!
I will use the word traction - is forward - We all must move forward or we get into a rut, spinning our wheels going back and forth and eventually we are stuck.
I see so many stuck and do nto have the tools or skills to get traction.
This is where you become the help and give the vehicle a hard push so they get traction.
This leads you to traction, keep it. If it leads you to distraction, eliminate it.
This is where you become the traction for others when they are stuck.
Distraction is a curse of modern life the predators use.
Between the cell phones, computer screens
If anything, the world is becoming a more distracting place. Technology is becoming more pervasive and persuasive.
Better to equip yourself with strategies you can implement right away to manage distraction. After all, although distractions aren’t necessarily your fault, managing them is your responsibility.
In this video, I discuss why distractions are so harmful, where they originate, and key techniques that will help you finally overcome distractions for good. This guide is a brief introduction to how you can become indistractable.
What is distraction and why is it harmful?
Let’s start with the definition of distraction. Distraction is “the process of interrupting attention” and “a stimulus or task that draws attention away from the task of primary goal.”
In other words, distractions draw us away from what we want to do, whether it’s to accomplish a task at home or work, enjoy time with a loved one, or do something for ourselves.
If distraction becomes a habit, we are unable to focus required for creativity in our professional and personal lives.
Worse, if we are constantly pulled away by distractions, we miss out on our primary goal!
In short, a distraction is any action that pulls us away from what we really want to do.
Do you recognize any of these unhealthy distractions?
Looking at notifications that pop up on your phone—even during conversations with family, friends, or colleagues
Scrolling through your social media feeds when you need to concentrate on your primary goal.
My entire life has been devoted to becoming free, more than free,
I recognize I am one man and If i become free - it will not last as others who remain slaves will eventually enslave me.
These are facts; history has proven this over and over.
So now i need a plan- I need others who want the same dreams and enspire others to become free.
I ask them are you free, some say I am a free,
But in a few minutes they realize they are not free if they actually do any rational investigation.
I ask the question, “If you could have anything what would it be?” They say I want property, spend more time enjoying life than working to scrape by month to month just to repeat it again - over and over - That is not free that is a slave!
I ask a question about the last 5 years of the moron plandemic - Do you think this so called government is trying to kill you!
Most who are educated react YES - Ok so now what are your plans to STOP them!
There response is educate more people - Think about this for a second - The person just said they are going to kill them!
This is the fatal flaw so many have.
If someone is going to kill you, Your first response is I MUST protect myself!!
That would be the first step to take.
What is your plan I ask them to save yourself - they do not know what to do.
I hear this over over what can I do - the problem is so big, there is nothing we can do
I stop them in their distraction and say you do not speak for we - you speak for yourself you said you can’t do anything
Well I know men and woman that are working on solutions
Now when you’re ready to become the solution you will find many more creating the solution.
Many go home and get on social meidia and waste valubale time on USLESS CRAP - that ensures they never organize a plan!
The movie scene is repeated itself over and over.
The predators use everything at their disposable to detract you and they have done a fine job at it.
If I was going to live the kind of life I wanted, I knew I had to change, and chances are, you do too.
What is the opposite of distraction?
If you don’t want to be distracted, presumably you want its opposite.
That doesn’t really help when your goal is to move away from distraction—toward what? I propose adopting the term “traction” as the opposite of distraction.
Traction is any action that moves us towards what we really want.
Any action, such as working on a big project, getting enough sleep or physical exercise, eating healthy food, taking time for yourself, or spending time with loved ones, are all forms of traction. Traction is any action you do with intent. It’s doing what you say you will do.
What causes distraction?
All human behavior is cued by either external or internal triggers.
External triggers are cues from our environment that tell us what to do next. These are the dings and pings that prompt us to check our email, answer a text, or look at a news alert.
Competition for our attention can come from a person as well, such as an interruption from a the propaganda when we are in the middle of doing focused work. Even an object can be an external trigger: Your television set seems to urge you to turn it on by its mere presence.
Internal triggers are negative feelings.
Since all behavior is prompted by either external or internal triggers, then both the actions we intend to do (traction) as well as those that veer us off course (distraction), originate from the same source.
Four strategies for becoming indistractable
If you are ready to take back your life from distractions, you need to follow four steps to become indistractable:
Master internal triggers.
Make time for traction.
Hack back external triggers.
Prevent distraction with pacts.
Master internal triggers
In order to overcome distractions, you need to understand what drives your behaviors—what prompts you to compulsively look at social media and regurgitate the problems rather than fixing the problems
The root cause of human behavior is the desire to escape discomfort.
The truth is, most do not use social media for their own benefit.
They overuse video games, social media, and cell phones not just for the pleasure they think they provide.
Psychological discomfort
Distraction, then, is an unhealthy escape from bad feelings. Once you can recognize the role internal triggers you can decide how to respond in a healthier manner. You can’t control how you feel, but you can learn to control how you react to the way you feel.
To start, you can change how you think about these horific crimes they are committing
Then focus on what to do to stop the crimes against humanity.
When you finally find the path - To what you really want - then you are unstoppable!
Identify the feeling or thought behind your urge: When you find yourself about to get distracted, become aware of the internal trigger that is prompting you to do so.
Make time for traction.
In this day and age, if you don’t plan your day, someone else will! Without knowing what it is you want to do with your time, everything is a potential distraction. To make time for the things that really matter, follow these steps.
Turn your values into time.
Many people talk a good game about what’s important to them like their families, their health, and their friends, but when it comes to investing time in these areas of their lives, they get distracted and don’t follow through. They don’t live up to their values because they don’t make time for them in their day.
Examples of values might include being a contributing member of a team, being a loving parent, , seeking wisdom, taking care of your physical fitness, or being a generous friend.
Many people might subscribe to these values, but without making time to live them out, they’re just empty aspirations.
Timebox your schedule
The goal is to create a template for how to spend your time each day, eliminating all white space in your calendar.
It doesn’t matter what you do as long as that is what you planned to do. Go ahead and scroll through social media, but at the time you set aside for it—not at the expense of other things you planned to do, like spending time with your family.
Decide how much time you want to devote to each domain of your life, according to your values. Make sure that you
Synch with likeminded people
Now that you have your ideal weekly template, it’s time to make sure the important people in your life are in synch.
Sit down with your family, friends and make sure you’re aligned on how you intend to spend your time. Make sure to discuss who will handle which responsibilities and when you’ll have some time for fun together.
Creating a new system is a job, a lifelong career which will only become successful when you and others strive to commit yourself to your project!
Clarify with your colleagues how you intend to spend your work week so there are no surprises.
A quick meeting to go over your schedule is a fast and highly effective way to align expectations regarding how you’ll spend your time.
Respects people’s time – very important
Hack back external triggers.
Tech companies use external triggers to hack our attention. The pings and dings from our devices often distract us by pulling us away from what we really want to do.
We may try to ignore those triggers, but research shows that ignoring a call or message can be just as distracting as responding to one.
When it comes to distraction social media plays a huge role. Sites like Twitter, Instagram, and Reddit are designed to send you endless external triggers. Facebook’s infinite scroll is particularly devilish, but you don’t have to fall prey to it.
There are three types of pacts.
If you stick to your intended “GOAL” , you keep your future.
If you get distracted, you forfeit your future.
By taking on a new identity, you empower yourself to make decisions based on who you believe you are.
To become indistractable, you can stop telling yourself you are a person with a “short attention span” or and “addictive personality” I am computer illiterate"
and instead tell yourself,
“I am indistractable.” If you tell yourself you are the kind of person who is easily distracted, it instantly becomes true.
However, if you believe that you are indistractable, you empower yourself to respond more healthily to whatever distractions get in your way.
We can do this!
Becoming indistractable is not some mysterious formula; it’s as easy as following four steps. Mastering your internal triggers, making time for traction, hacking back your external triggers, and preventing distractions with pacts, are powerful tools that can reshape your life.
The world is splitting into two types of people: those who allow their attention and their lives to be manipulated by others, and those who proudly call themselves indistractable.
When you become indistractable, you influence others to do the same. You can influence others to try these techniques. You can inspire your friends and family to pursue the lives they envision. You can help your children learn what is sure to be the skill of the century, the power to become indistractable.

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