Don't get all emotional dude!

1 year ago

The left is putting news like this out after a shooting because they want you to have a knee jerk reaction and get all emotional. When you are emotional you don't think. This is all part of the plan. They create the problem by doping up some poor saps on SSRI's then when they go crazy they say see look we need to ban the guns not the drugs that make the individual unstable. Now you're fearful and worried about the safety of children. Then they show some story of a poor sweet little black kid who got shot and say see we've got to get rid of guns(that's to get the law abiding gun owners.), no one is safe. Then you feel bad about it and they're hoping if you're black you will really feel some kinda way about it.then they give you their solution which is to disarm everyone except their goons and thugs. So now the only ones with guns are them and if you get out of line and try to speak up BANG. Now you're defenseless and have no real means of protecting yourselves from them which is the way they wanted it all along.

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