I am a Free Man, I am Not a Number

1 year ago

Self - Sufficient Communities - Restoring Law and Accountability at the Local level-
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It's ALL based on FRAUD. Therefore any/all contracts implied or otherwise are null and VOID
Passport is proof of ownership as is birth certificate. Look up Cestui Que Vie Act 1666 and also all people's of Britain were pronounced dead 1666 and all people's and properties were then owned by the state/crown. All person then1666

The birth record is a fraudulent contact, no minor can be entered into a legal contract, nor are legal contract valid if entered into under deception, coercion, those are void, even when you accept a judgement in court you are asked if you were coerced, distressed, or under an outside influence.....another fraudulent contract you don't have to accept....

Re The Papal Bull 1302: Philippe IV (le Bel/the Fair) in 1307 tried to put an end to the Popes soul-diers (Templars/Original Banksters) by putting them to the sword/burning them at the steak/hunting them down... Those that couldn't get to Switzerland to hide, "escaped" from La Rochelle to Scotland (the majority) and the open arms of the Picts/Scottish.. Where it took them a few hundred years to recover (Rise of The Phoenix/Double Headed "Eagle"), take over England via the crown, because they couldn't take it by force despite all their combined efforts, and here we are again today, thanks to The Scottish... imo of course...
These were the parasites that instigated the French "revolution" (revenge), for their own ends and everything else since.....
Masonic Control System, Scottish Rite and Swiss Octogon being the top of that tree...
Not Rocket Science, otherwise i wouldn't have worked it out.

institution Social Services can just snatch babies from people who have been anonymously reported for 'wrong think', then the commie Marxist forces go into action to snatch anohter child into the fold enslaving him by destroying his network/ family making him hopelessly dependent on the state....this is how you fell Nations, this is Bolshevism right in your face!..

who could be alliegent to a "king" who on the "camillagate tapes" said that his wish is to be a "tampon" and then a "pair of camilla's "knickers" and then a pair of her trousers... i mean , how royal , regal or kingly is that..!

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