What's in a Name?

1 year ago

What's in a name? As we go back and read in the Bible and even back throughout history, a name was not given to someone without meaning. Names were not given like they are today simply because they sound good to the parents. The last name of Miller was given to a family line because the man and family were millers who milled the grains into flour, for example...
The Name of Jesus is no different... When we look at Jesus's name there is tremendous meaning... Jesus, Yeshua, translates as Deliverer... Isaiah wrote that when the Messiah (The Annointed One) would be called Emmanuel which translates as God With Us. From the Greek we also have the title of Christ which is the Greek translation of the Hebrew Messiah. Jesus is come to deliver us from the penalty of our sins as well as to destroy the works of devils and draw us unto the Father.
Jesus said that anything we ask in His Name, the Father would do for us. Jesus has given us the keys of life and over death in His Name to bind or loose the powers of this world and its people through the Authority He holds in the Kingdom of Heaven... Jesus has given to ALL who believe in His Name the Authority of Heaven to cast out demons and heal the sick...
Yet, we must discipline ourselves in our lives, take up our personal cross daily and crucify ourself... We can't let our self or emotions get in the way and supersede the ways that Jesus carried them out. Jesus said when an evil spirit is cast out, it returns to the dry and desolate places from which it came. He did not send them to His feet to be judged, nor did He send them to the Pit or Hell. Jesus simply told them to Come Out... Whenever we take it upon ourselves to add ideas that sound good and make us appear important or knowledgeable, we are stepping out of the Authority of Jesus Name... John 15:4...
For us to operate as Jesus and to be within His Namesake we need to first become His disciples and the word disciple at it's root includes the word Discipline. again we take up our cross and deny ourselves and take upon us the Name and Authority of Jesus... As John the Baptizer said, more of God and less of me...

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