After Burner II | Sega Saturn Playthrough (JPN) | Real hardware

1 year ago

After Burner II is an arcade-style flight simulator video game developed by Sega and ported to the Sega Saturn in 1996. The game puts players in the cockpit of a fictional fighter jet and tasks them with completing a series of missions while dodging and shooting down enemy aircraft.

The gameplay is fast-paced and action-packed, with players having to use quick reflexes and strategic manoeuvres to evade enemy fire and take out targets. The game also features a variety of power-ups and upgrades that players can collect to enhance their weapons and abilities.


This game is not that much more impressive than the previous game. I’ve never been a fan of these flying forward shooting games like Super Thunderblade and Space Harrier. I just don’t know how it’s possible to get good at these because the movement is so quick and you can’t see the bullets coming at you. The best tactic I have for these games is to just to keep moving like a maniac and hope that I don’t get hit. I didn’t even try to aim to kill enemies. I just let the auto machine gun do its thing and pressed the missile button whenever I heard the lock on beep.
Fortunately, this game has infinite continues so perseverance will pay off. It’s not a walk in the park either as if you use a continue, you have to start at a certain level. You must clear about 4-5 levels before you hit a next “checkpoint” for your next continue to start you later in the game.
The graphics are hardly a step up from the 16-bit games, and when you think that 3D flying games could be controllable by this era (panzer Dragoon/ Star Fox), this isn’t an impressive game for the time either.
The future space harrier on the Xbox 360 was much more fun too so this style of game has the potential to be better and it has been proven.
It’s not a bad game in any sense but the pace is just a bit too fast and it starts to drag as your body just goes through the motions while you stare through the screen waiting for it to end.

Rating – 4/10
Difficulty - 6/10

Original game played on Japanese Sega Saturn.
Picture split between CRT TV for my own viewing and OSCC scan converter with 2x line doubler, upscaled to HDMI for recording
Easy Difficulty
No cheats
Box art from thumbnail is taken from my own collection

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