use this every day

1 year ago

Eating eggs every day is healthy!
There are those who still believe that eating eggs every day is bad for them. But, is this true? For some time, the food was the subject of controversy and banned from the daily menu of those who care about their health. The good news is that he has already been absolved of villain fame and has become the darling of the kitchen!
The egg is released to be consumed every day, mainly because of its nutritional benefits and the practicality of use. But some people still have doubts about how to include eggs in their diet. What is the ideal amount? Can you eat eggs daily? What is the best way to prepare?
Can I eat egg every day?
Yes, you can eat eggs every day. It is considered one of the best foods in the world due to its high nutritional value. The egg is composed of proteins that are well used by the body, vitamins, minerals and fats, including cholesterol.

When we talk about cholesterol, people soon get scared because of its relationship with cardiovascular diseases. However, it is a component that our body synthesizes and needs to maintain cell function, absorb vitamin D and produce hormones. In this way, cholesterol itself is not a villain, but its consumption in excess.
And then the question remains: after all, does the egg increase cholesterol or not? The truth is that the food contains a substance called lecithin, which helps to reduce cholesterol. That is, it already comes with a mitigating factor, so it does not raise blood cholesterol, as they believed.
Thus, within a healthy and balanced diet, it is possible to consume eggs daily, which offer many health benefits, as we will show in the next topic. The amount of eggs you can eat per day varies according to the rest of the menu and the nutritional needs of each person.

What are the benefits of consuming eggs every day?
Eggs are nutrient-rich foods that our body needs. For this reason, including them in your daily diet brings many benefits. Look!
Due to their amount of protein and good fats, eggs promote satiety. This means that you take time to feel hungry after consuming that food. In this way, it is a great ally in the weight loss process, as it consequently helps to reduce the number of calories ingested.
Improves the volume of muscle mass
The high volume of muscle mass is important not only for those who want to get strong, but for everyone who wants to maintain a healthy and quality life. This is because a strong and resistant musculature promotes physical conditioning, protects bones and joints, improves balance and movements, in addition to maintaining a good caloric expenditure, even at rest.

How to increase muscle mass? Practicing physical strength activities and maintaining a menu full of protein-rich foods — a key nutrient in repairing and building muscles — such as eggs.

And pay attention to this tip: there are those who think that egg proteins are concentrated only in the white, but know that the yolk is also rich in this nutrient!

Fights premature aging
Eggs are rich in antioxidant vitamins and minerals such as vitamins A and E, folic acid, zinc, magnesium and selenium. These substances reduce the action of free radicals, compounds responsible for premature aging. Thus, consuming eggs daily helps to slow down the aging of cells, preventing diseases.
It's good for the brain
Egg yolk is a source of choline, a B-complex vitamin that acts in the production of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine. In this way, it helps with brain functions such as memorization and cognition. In addition, she is fundamental in controlling heart rate, muscle activity and breathing.

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