BBC The Apprentice - Series 14 (2018) Episode 11 - Interviews (12 December 2018)

1 year ago



After facing ten tasks as teams, the five remaining candidates now compete as individuals in their next task – a series of tough, gruelling interviews with four of Lord Sugar's most trusted associates. Each member faces scrutiny over their backgrounds, work experience, track record, and business proposals when questioned by interviewers. Feedback to Lord Sugar, alongside observations by his aides, leads him to firing Sabrina Stocker for the limited scale-ability in her proposal, Khadija Kalifa for offering an unrealistic proposal, and Daniel Elahi for an unsuitable business proposal and questions on his character. Of the remaining two, Camilla Ainsworth is praised for offering a good proposal despite concerns on her business experience, while Sian Gabbidon is commended for offering a proposal with potential and having good experience in its associated industry.

Note: This episode aired later than scheduled, due to the British Prime Minister Theresa May facing a vote of confidence which was being broadcast live on BBC1,[15] which also subsequently affected the scheduled broadcast of You're Fired covering discussions over this episode's content.

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