NYT’s Gaslighting Master Class: Unraveling the Left's Forced Transgender Agenda | Ep 694

1 year ago

@BlazeTV's Stu Burguiere exposes the New York Times' gaslighting in their latest piece on conservatives and transgender culture. Watch as he unravels the Left's forced transgender agenda, bringing to light the tactics they employ to manipulate public opinion. Also, Steve Krakauer, executive producer for Megyn Kelly and Fourth Watch Media, joins Stu to discuss the recent Pentagon leaks and their implications. Plus, Stu shares some exciting news for Philadelphia Eagles fans, celebrating a great moment for the team.

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#stuburguiere #blazetv #studoesamerica #nytimes #gaslighting #transgenderagenda #conservatives #stevekrakauer #megynkelly #fourthwatchmedia #pentagonleaks #philadelphiaeagles

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