Apatros Review Ep-0006: The Astral Factor [1978] ("Invisible Strangler")

1 year ago

AR-0006: A mid-1970s police procedural with a science fiction twist, this was originally released in 1978 for a theatrical run that only lasted a week [under its original title of "The Astral Factor"]. It was then withdrawn from circulation until 1984 when parts of the film were reshot & visual effects were 'updated' from the trippy Star Trek transporter-esque animation to simple camera phase-in optical effect, hitting VHS & television under the title of "Invisible Strangler". While the concept is quite interesting, particularly if you're a fan of 1970s police procedural telepics, the utterly flat execution & lack of energy really sends this one to the bottom of the barrel.

My Grade: D- [Atrocious]

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