Episode 1140: Sts. Robert of Molesme & St Stephen Harding

1 year ago

St. Robert of Molesme
Early Life: Information on his early life is scarce, but he became abbot of Molesme Abbey in eastern France around 1078.
Monastery Reform: Robert believed the Benedictine order at Molesme had strayed from its stricter practices. He sought to return to a more austere lifestyle.
Founding Cîteaux: In 1098, along with 21 monks including Stephen Harding, Robert left Molesme and founded Cîteaux Abbey. This became the cornerstone of the Cistercian Order.
Later Years: Pope Urban II compelled Robert to return to Molesme as abbot in 1100. He remained there until his death in 1111.
Legacy: Considered a saint by the Catholic Church, his feast day is celebrated on April 17th (alongside Stephen Harding and Alberic) by the Benedictines and on January 26th jointly with them by the Cistercians.
St. Stephen Harding
Monastic Life: Stephen Harding was a monk at Molesme Abbey alongside Robert.
Founding Cîteaux: In 1098, he joined Robert and others in departing Molesme to establish Cîteaux Abbey.
Leadership at Cîteaux: After Robert returned to Molesme, Stephen became abbot of Cîteaux in 1109. He played a central role in shaping the Cistercian Order's practices and administration.
The Cistercian Charter: Stephen Harding is credited with writing the Cistercian Charter, a document outlining the order's rules and ideals. This document emphasized prayer, manual labor, and a simple lifestyle.
Legacy: Venerated as a saint, his feast day was celebrated on various dates throughout history. Currently, the Cistercians and Benedictines commemorate him jointly with Robert of Molesme and Alberic of Cîteaux on January 26th.

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