Session 2 of 12 - Studies in the Book of Revelation: The Varying Importance of End Times Beliefs

1 year ago


Dive into a comprehensive study of the Book of Revelation with Mike Bickle in this session on the varying importance of end-time beliefs. Learn to distinguish between essential doctrines, core convictions, and personal opinions while maintaining unity and humility in our understanding of the end times.

In this session, Mike Bickle discusses:

- The essential doctrines related to end-time themes
- Core convictions held by the leadership team
- Helpful but non-essential end-time themes
- Personal opinions that are not central to core convictions

Discover the authority of Scripture, the Second Coming of Jesus, the resurrection of the saints, Heaven, eternal judgment, and other essential doctrines. Gain insight into Mike's core convictions about historic premillennialism, the victorious church, and the importance of unity, intimacy, and maturity within the Body of Christ.

Learn to respect differing views on the end times while remaining firmly rooted in the truth of the Bible. This session will encourage you to think for yourself (Acts 17:10-11) and challenge ideas that don't align with Scripture.

Equip yourself with the knowledge and understanding of end-time beliefs so that you can be a faithful witness of Jesus, His plan of salvation, and His commitment to build the Church and disciple nations. Embrace the call to be a forerunner in these challenging times, preparing yourself and others for the return of our Bridegroom, King, and Judge.

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