Acts | Pt. 1 Power | Pastor Jackson Lahmeyer

1 year ago

NEW SERIES = The Book Of Acts
Author = Luke (Only Gentile)
Acts is the sequel to the Gospel of Luke
Luke was a physician and companion of Paul
Luke joins Paul in Acts 16
First 15 chapters Luke uses the pronoun "They"
After 16 he uses "We"
The Book of Acts is the history of the first 30 years of the church
The Book of Acts has one main theme = the Power of the Holy Spirit operating in the Church
The Gospels focus on the works of Christ and ultimately His finished work at the Cross
Acts focus is on the Power of the Holy Spirit
In the Gospels the wod love is used over 100x
In the Book of Acts the word love is used 0x
The key operative words in the Book of Acts is Power and the Holy Spirit who is mentioned 56x

Acts 1:1-2
Who is Theophilus?
Name means Lover of God
I believe Theophilus is an individual in fact many scholars believe he is Luke's master
More than likely Luke was an indentured servant
During this time there was no Primary Care Physcian you went to see
Wealthy people had their own physicians and these people were indentured servants
It is very likely that Luke is the indentured servant
Acts 1:3
Acts 1:4-5
It is interesting because all 4 Gospels record how Jesus told His disciples to GO and make other disciples
Jesus says Go but don't Go yet
Jesus knew something: these disciples would go but they would go powerless
The Kingdom of God is not built by the power of man
Divine Deeds require Divine Power and the source of Divine Power is the Holy Spirit
WHO IS THE Holy Spirit?
John 14-16 is where Jesus gives us a lengthy teaching on the Holy Spirit (read it this week)
Who is the HS? Tough question to answer for many
Easy to describe the Father = Creator
Easy to describe the Son = Redeemer, Savior, Son of God
We neglect the HS
Forgotten member of the Trinity
Who is the HS? He is God
Not some magical, mystical force that we can manipulate like Star Wars
He is not something we possess, He possess us
He is the master and we are the tool
3rd member of the Godhead
Worshipped along side the Father & Son
He is a person
He is the Power of God
The HS is God
Co-Equal, Co-Eternal
H.S. is not an it or a force
The HS is a Person who has a mind, will and even emotion (do not grieve the HS)
John 14:16-17
John 14 is before the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus
Jesus says right now the Holy Spirit dwells with you but soon the Holy Spirit will dwell in you
With = Para
PARA = with, near, around
Before the Resurrection of Christ, the HS was with, near and or around the Disciples
The HS is around every one actually and He is continually moving on us
Nobody comes to surrender their life to Jesus without the influence of the HS
Paul says, "One cannot confess Jesus is Lord expcept by the HS"
So in John 14, the HS is with the disciples
Jesus says in the future, the HS will be in them
In = en
EN = In
This future indwelling comes to pass in John 20 after the Resurrection of Jesus
After Jesus is Resurrected, for the 1st time His displaces place their faith in the Risen Christ
John 20:22
The HS is no longer around them but the HS now dwells within them
At the moment of conversion the HS goes from being around us to dwelling within us
You literally become the Temple of the HS
Now here is a question: if the Disciples received the HS in John 20 when Jesus breathed on them then why did He tell them to wait in Jerusalem to receive the Gift of the Father who is the Holy Spirit
The HS already is dwelling in them; so why are they commanded to wait for a gift that they already have?
This is what we call the Baptism of the Holy Spirit
Some may say that's not my tradition; well you have to reach a place where your tradition submit to Scripture
The Baptism of the HS takes place after the HS comes to indwell within you
Acts 1:5-8
Jesus tells them they will be baptized in the Spirit and His disciples totally miss it
They say is that when you will restore the Kingdom and Jesus says stay focused!
Just like Peter at the Transfiguration
Or when Jesus tells His disciples He will die and immediately they ask who will be greatest in the Kingdom
Keep the main thing the main thing
What is the main thing in the Book of Acts? Acts 1:8 = Thesis
Acts 1:8 says, "But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.”
From Jerusalem to Rome
How does the Gospel spread everywhere?
Witnesses who have received DIVINE power
That divine power takes place when the HS comes on you
WITH, IN and now ON
On = epi
EPI = Upon, On, Over
This is the Baptism of the Holy Spirit
Baptism = Immersion
2 Kinds of Baptisms:
1. Water = Repentance and coming to Life w/Christ
2. Spirit = Power of God flowing through you
How do I receive this?
Luke 11:9-13
The Disciples waited in Jerusalem for 10 days for the gift of the Baptism of the Holy Spirit
During those 10 days of waiting they were not passive but active
It says they were in the upper room together in prayer

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