You Will Become RICH in April | Receive Unexpected Money From The Universe | Abundance Meditation

1 year ago

You Will Become RICH in April | Receive Unexpected Money From The Universe | Abundance Meditation

In this April, you can become richer than ever. That might come as a surprise, but it's a promise from the universe. If you believe in the power of positive thinking and focus on wealth, you will unknowingly receive unexpected money from the universe.

To create a mood of wealth and abundance, you can do several meditation methods. One of these methods is meditation that focuses on the wealth and abundance of the universe. During meditation, you can focus on imagining yourself receiving a large sum of money from the universe. Visualize that money will help you solve your current financial problems and bring you financial freedom.

00:00 Deep Meditation
15:48 Money Meditation
31:07 Peaceful Meditation
46:11 Attract Money
1:01:09 Abundance Meditation
1:16:25 This is Meditation

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