Thought Consciousness Changing

1 year ago

[Transitional Times Poem Collection] -
Information ‘control’ has been at the heart of our experiences, especially so this decade!! In ‘assuming trust’ and yielding our own authority, we have been deceived. We experience ‘group consciousness’ via ‘individual consciousness’ reaching ‘critical mass’ and these are influenced by how ‘information’ is shared and what is presented – ie put out in the ether. The promotion of fear, breaches of trust and loss of integrity via ‘institutions of state’, ‘broadcasting’ and ‘journalism’ played an enormous part in how we ‘perceived’ the situation over the last three years.

This issue is central to our recognition of ‘the damage’ done - the mental health and physical well-being undermined, families and loved ones separated, mislead with no regard or apparent accountability.

When we know … we know!

This poem falls in under the 'Transitional Times’ poem collection which normally contains 'a variety of Motivational and Commentary poems exploring issues of the time'.

Poem wording –

Thought Consciousness Changing

Control of the information – (in the ether)
Influences the perception (of the feeler)
Sets up the behaviours, (makes realer!!)
Hey-ho then, their great deception (the stealers!)

“Reality”, is in the field of information -
Achieved through thought, frequency and vibration.
The Nature of your thought leads to the nature of your emotion
And this can set us up to believe in their dirty notion!?

No, No, No, To their evil potions and connotations
We reject now, as we are not their denomination, or their nation!
You / Me in harmony of feeling and generation, that’s creation;
And that’s what leads to our ‘human elation’.

Together we change their nasty spells …
Their petty ‘extrapolations’, their ‘manipulations’, their ‘death knells’.
Now, Now, we should all ask God for Grace,
Awake us, if necessary … God … with a slap on the face!!


This poem was stimulated by the opening conversation on 30th December 2022 broadcast from Screw Big Gov – 2023 Liberty Summit , www. RenegadeMedia Made by Mitch Axelrod with his co-host Robert Imbriale.

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