@BloggingTheology Remember To Seek Serious Forgiveness From @almowahideen8949

1 year ago

A Muslim will Not Oppress Another Muslim.

You oppressed Uncle Omar. You took him to court with the help of Christian missionaries. You put charges on him.

You've worked against Islam as hard even after becoming a Muslim. As a Salafi you did some major atrocities.

It's taken all I had to bring some sort of order back in Speakers corner. The police Biased Racist Islamophobic views were exposed after COVID 19 . Where they only police what they choose. Because they're criminals themselves. As well as this Thieving Mafia Government.

If there is any sincere Islam inside of you. You will apologize to Uncle Omar. The grave is a lonely place for sinners and oppressing your Muslim brothers and sisters. Well that's one of the worst things you can do.

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