Motivational Gifts ~ Part 4

1 year ago

Motivational Gifts ~ Part 4

By Pastor Gary Wayne

This is part four looking at the motivational gifts listed in Romans 12.

Text: Romans 12:6b-8
Seven Motivational Gifts Basic Function
Perceiver – are the eyes of the body. Service – the hands of the body.
Teacher – the mind of the body. Giving – the arms of the body.
Exhortation – the mouth. Leading – the head of the body.
Mercy – the heart of the body of Christ.

The third gift listed is Teacher – the mind of the body.

Strengths: A person with this gifting could also be called a researcher because many are drawn into fields of research and may not be involved in what we think of as teaching.

They love to study and do research, enjoying word studies to understand the building blocks of key words. Almost driven to understand different truths by checking the facts in a logical and systematic way.

They check out the source of the facts other people use when they teach.

Weakness: They tend not to apply practical application to the facts they give. This can frustrate other giftings such as an exhorter will focus on actual application of the facts they give, they teacher will say, “you have a brain, use it.” They are slow to accept the viewpoint of others until those viewpoints are sustained by facts. Can become prideful in their intellect and can tend to be legalistic and dogmatic. They are easily sidetracked by new interests to study.

Exhortation – the mouth. Exhort = encourage someone to do something.
Where teachers aim for your head, exhorters aim for your heart. It is not so much the content they want to impart as how the content can be applied in people’s lives.

Strengths: Their goal is to encourage people to live up to their full potential.
They prefer to apply truth rather than research it and want information that has practical application. Exhorters are people, people. They want to be around people doing things with or for them. Being the mouth of the body, they work on their communication skills, because people understand what they are saying is vital.

Weakness: Since they are the mouth of the body, they have mouth problems. LOVE to talk. They have a lot to say and can tend to interrupt in eagerness to give their opinion or advice. Often not realizing they are interrupting.
Is outspoken and opinionated.

Their goal is to influence people, and can sway a crowd in the wrong direction.

Giving – the arms of the body.

When it comes to the use of resources, the giver is unique. Ver.8 says they are to give with simplicity, sincerity and liberality.

Strengths: They give not only money, but possessions, time, energy and love.
They enjoy giving without others knowing about it. They want to be a part of the ministry they contribute to. They love it when their gift is an answer to a need.
You can’t talk a mature giver into giving, but simply when the Holy Spirit moves them. Givers are good at handling resources with wisdom and thriftiness.
They have a strong healthy believe in tithing and give in addition to tithing.

Weakness: They may try to control how their contributions are used and can have an ulterior motive. They can tend to pressure others to give “like them.”
Sometimes they use giving to get out of other responsibilities. Think if they have given money, they have done their part. “I’m too busy to help, so I’ll give money.”

Leading – the head of the body. Administrators are born leaders.

Strengths: They are motivated to organize what they are involved in and dig in to make a difference. They tend to express ideas and communicate clearly. Administrators understand honor and respect for authority.
If no one is doing anything about a problem, they quickly step in and take over.
They are visionary and easily use resources and set people up to accomplish tasks. Will usually delegate tasks rather than doing it themselves. They want to see things completed quickly and efficiently as possible.

Weakness: Leaders get upset when others don’t see their vision. And they can become calloused and start “using” people to get things done. Often they are so focused on a task, they are un-aware of other’s feelings.

Mercy / compassion – the heart of the body of Christ.

Strengths: This gift of mercy has tremendous capacity to show love. They ALWAYSE see the good in people. They are very sensitive to the spiritual and emotional condition and atmosphere of the group, or an individual. They are drawn to people who are hurting or in distress. They are careful with words and actions to avoid hurting others. People with this gift are ruled by their heart rather than the head.

Weakness: Compassionate people tend to be indecisive. They are prone to take up another person's offense. Easily hurt - no one gets hurts as easily as the compassion person. Their affectionate nature is often misinterpreted as having an ulterior motive.

Do a Google search for “Arthur Burk Redemptive Gifts.”
Redemptive Gifts – Session 1-8 by Shara Collins

Arthur Burk 21 sessions on Redemptive gifts of Individuals by Sapphire Leadership Group

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