Deuses da Mitologia Grega

1 year ago

Gods of Greek Mythology
Greek mythology is full of gods and goddesses, here are some of the most well known:
Zeus - The king of the gods, ruler of Mount Olympus and god of sky and thunder.
Hera - Wife of Zeus, goddess of marriage and motherhood.
Poseidon - God of the seas, earthquakes and horses.
Athena - Goddess of wisdom, strategy and defensive warfare.
Aphrodite - Goddess of love, beauty and fertility.
Apollo - God of music, poetry, light, prophecy, medicine and healing.
Ares - God of war, violence and destruction.
Dionysus - God of wine, parties, fertility and theater.
Hermes - God of thieves, travelers, merchants and communication.
Morpheus - God of dreams.
Each of these gods and goddesses in Greek mythology plays an important role in ancient Greek stories and beliefs.

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