Marla Beth Q&A with Christian21

1 year ago

comment section on bluewater channel of Marla Beth Q&A with Christian Sibley
If there is no God why was the name Jesus not allowed to be spoken around these entities in the DUMBS and other places where reptilians and demons are?? The remark was made that there is power in the name Jesus! Why would it be hard to believe there is God when it is believed there are demons and lucifer?? I believe the stories overlap sort of. Angels /positives reptilians/demons! My mind is wide open and I hunger for truth but I know there is a God!!
if there is no god, than there is no lucifer. What one has to overstand is there is positive and negative forces. In this reality, you can't have one without the other. What this means is lucifer at one point in his life, was good, but he allowed vanity to take over him because the bible clearly states he basically thought that he can become God. His actions shows where psycho thoughts started! The jesus character in the new testament is lucifer because lucifer wants to be God the Creator. Ask yourself this question, how can a world be created so perfect with beauty all around if GOD didn't make it. Divine Intelligence is what made this world or plain. The scriptures has been tampered with because the scriptures old covenant is a history book of the Children of Israel. The truth will be revealed and a lot of people will not like the outcome. peace

What is being referred to here is the false god of religion, the god that the gnostics referred to as the demiurge. This being calls itself god but it is not our true creator because it is jealous, genocidal and needs total control to be satisfied. It is not of Love. It hijacked our creation for its own jealous ends.

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