The [Cheeky] Sheik (1921) -A deeehp dive!----Izlame, MohomoD & bacha-bazi, oh my! *Hollywood's Dawah

1 year ago

Evidently, Hollywood has had a good relationship with Islam since its beginnings, over a century ago! The first 8.5 minutes of this video is dedicated to exposing how some Hollywood pushed themes aren't so new/"progressive" after all, and how Hebrew orgs apparently support Muslims and their ideologies. --- Any claims and inferences made by this project are supported by heavily vetted scholarship of the Qran, sahih hadith, and tafsir (not to mention, common sense, decency, historical & current events, etc.)!

Now there are some which will claim that there are negative portrayals of Izlame in this flick. First of all, "negative" or not, are they true?!? HERMMM Secondly, the promotion of it outweigh any other accounts, especially by the fact alone that it is categorized as "romantic," etc.!

On a personal note, I'm in the middle of a major life change, particularly after hitting a wall, so I'm reaching out to my audience for some assistance. If you would like to see my efforts to continue (in exposing Mass Media conditioning, rhetoric, and its implications), please offer your support (but only if you can afford to). And yes, things are that bad (for many of us, especially post COUPE1-9 LuckDown), or I otherwise wouldn't be asking strangers for such a thing. Either way, your prayers are much appreciated, particularly that God forgive me for falling short of producing better fruits +++

You can support my contributions here through Patreon-

You can also support my most prized written work, which has been sitting on the shelf for about 5 years because I haven't been able to afford a professional editor, that was created to provide guidance for the modern only-child and widowed/single-parent. If you are a professional children's book editor that would be willing to work with me on payment, please let me know! Otherwise, the GoFundMe to pay for editing is titled, ""To Be Hue" -4 widowed-single parents & only child" and can be found at

I'm also looking for an artist to team up with, or sponsorship for publication, for a comic book series I created a few years ago that was designed to be as harmless as a dove, but as clever as a serpent, in reaching the lost sheep. It warned of Jan.6th, COUPE1-9, etc., and can be a very useful tool to reach those with closed ears & hardened hearts. So if you are a comic book artist that is intrigued by this approach, please let me know in the comment section. Otherwise, if you'd like to financially support that effort instead, the GoFundMe for it is titled, "NATIVE 'VENGERS w- forewarning reality gut-checks" and can be found at-

Treatments for all of my work are available upon request.

Thank you for all of your kind words, support, promotion, and prayers to date; with special thanks to Elle (for my 5 minutes of fame), and very special thanks to Thaddeus (for all that you've done for me, and you continue to do)!!! Keep fighting the good fight!!! ~Matthew 24:13

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