Video No. 2 Pomegranate Bonsai HOT Pruning Introduction

1 year ago

Pomegranate Bonsai HOT Pruning Introduction

Hot pruning is a technique used to increase fruit production in pomegranate trees. It involves removing excess branches during the summer months to improve the growth and development of the remaining branches.

To hot prune a pomegranate tree, you should wait until the tree has finished flowering and the fruits have begun to develop. Then, using pruning shears or a saw, remove any suckers or water sprouts growing from the base of the tree or from the main trunk.

Next, examine the canopy of the tree and remove any dead, damaged, or diseased branches. Thin out any crowded areas to improve air circulation and sunlight penetration to the remaining branches.

Finally, cut back any long, leggy branches to encourage new growth and spur the development of lateral branches. This will help the tree produce more fruit and improve its overall shape and health of the tree.

It's important to note that hot pruning should be done carefully, as excessive pruning can weaken the tree and reduce its fruit production. Be sure to only remove a maximum of one-third of the tree's branches each year, and avoid pruning during periods of drought or extreme heat.

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