Free Fur All AWOO Board Meeting Leaked (highlights)

1 year ago


Board meeting held by the AWOO Association, organization behind Free Fur All, on Oct, 29, 2022.
This meeting took place about a week after PeaceWolf abandoned her husband and daughter, entering into an extramarital affair with Jasonafex and Kabier, and about a month before news of these incidents became public. It is the meeting in which Foxglove is removed from the board of directors, which the board adamantly REFUSED to address at the following staff meeting (the one that leaked in November). This is the reason why they didn't want to talk about it.

Peacewolf is the chairman of the board. Her husband, Fox, was the board treasurer. Jasonafex and Kabs, a married couple, are two the organization's business partners, designated as the guests of honour for Free Fur All 2023.

In this meeting, the board conspires to discredit and remove Fox from his rightful position on the board in order to cover up PeaceWolf's affair with the organization's business partners, and the criminal activity they committed involving a minor child belonging to PeaceWolf and Fox.

This video contains proof and confession by multiple board members of criminal activities perpetrated by the current board and their guests of honour. These crimes include illegal drug use, child endangerment, embezzlement and theft of convention property, malfeasance, and board conduct in violation of the organization's bylaws and against US law pertaining to registered corporations. This video does NOT include the victim's testimony, which alleges crimes greater in number AND severity.

This video confirms that, despite his wife attempting to sabotage him and silence him to cover the crimes she and her master and mistress committed, Fox did not take any actions that were illegal or even against the AWOO association or its members.
To the accusation that Fox wrongfully removed Jasonafex and Kabs from the AWOO association, Fox was a moderator and had the authority to temporarily do so, pending decision by the board. The justification for his temporary removal was child endangerment by these members. The organization allows members of all ages, including children, making these members a danger to others.

To the accusation that Fox stole money from the organization, this is an outright lie. The organization's card was used, but the money returned. Peacewolf sabotaged the joint bank account Foxglove and she shared so that he could not use his payment card, leaving him unable to purchase essentials for his family. As a last resort, due to a situation PeaceWolf caused, the AWOO card was used to pay for food and female hygiene products for his daughter, whom his wife had abandoned with him and he still needed to care for. It was returned via PayPal, in full. No money was ever stolen, it was only transferred around out of necessity due to PeaceWolf's cruelty, and only to buy food and tampons.

In addition to this vile treachery and willingness to destroy an innocent man and child to save face, AWOO association board are guilty of crimes both against a child and US corporate law. The former of which is already under criminal investigation, and the latter, will soon be investigated by the Federal Trade Commission if it is not already by the release of this video. The danger this puts the organization in CANNOT be overstated. Those who committed these acts MUST be removed from leadership, with prejudice, immediately. If not, the organization will surely be sued and disbanded by the US government, even if the staff and attendees are still willing to overlook this evil. Please help us save the AWOO Association and Free Fur All from Jasonafex, PeaceWolf, Kabs, and the other board members who conspired with them. Demand their immediate removal.

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