Beyond the Reset

1 year ago

This is a great 3D animated short film that shows you what life will be like in the very near future if the thirteen Edomite central banking families who own and/or control this world are able to fully implement the plans that they have been making for over a hundred years now to cull most of humanity using biological weapons, and then force the survivors of that genocide to live in a dystopic society that, in may ways, looks no different from a prison-styled panopticon. That is, if we all don't all stand up and say "NO!" to these demons before it's too late.
Beyond the Reset speculates on the potential consequences of the fear-based social engineering PSYOPS that criminal, illegitimate governments like our own here in America have been using to herd us in the direction they want us to go--into the Technocrati feedlot they call their New World Order. It covers aspects of the Great Reset, the COVID medical tyranny, Woke culture, and the fake climate change/green movement agendas.
In fact, pretty much every dystopian form of social control and human exploitation that these demonic banking families have been putting us through since the COVID-19 PSYOP was [officially] launched against humanity in 2020 is covered by this film.
Every freedom-loving human being should watch this film, and earnestly reflect on the its sobering message.
The Thirteen Families:

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