Rabi-Ribi - "Is the order a DLC?" Part 4

1 year ago

Game: Rabi-Ribi
System: PC

Note: Alright, so this escape sequence wasn't AS hard as I thought it might be. The hard part mainly was trying to get the Wind Blessing ability that was over that long jump. Aside from that, just try to get out of the ravine ASAP. Cut it REALLY close with how little time I had left over. Anyway, odds are I'll take care of the Halloween area first, and then proceed with the next bonus chapter. As for if I'll do the SP bosses, still figuring that out.

Odysee: https://odysee.com/@CamoJakIV:0
Rumble: https://rumble.com/user/CamoJakIV
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@camojakiv

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