The BRICS Deception PT I: SSN Awakening Ep 12 Our 2nd Year Anniversary

1 year ago

Tonight we are going to awaken you to what the Main Stream Media and Self–serving investment brokers won’t tell you in order for you to protect you, your family and all those you love. Stay The Course, Confident, and Positive, but become aware.

Tonight you will have an Awakening that will put everything that will be transpiring in the near future into perspective and will aid you in making the correct choices on behalf of yourself and your loved ones.
*Many things never change but Today is tomorrow and our state of civilization has reached the crossroad of Liberty v Tyranny
***But Rule of Law has been severely compromised!

*Keep in mind most nations worldwide do not provide such protections from tyrannical control so don’t be swayed to surrender rights you are fortunate enough to have

*Our future and the future of freedom worldwide is in Our Hands and the only way to defeat the enemies of the free people is to understand who, what they are, their plan, and share that knowledge with everyone who will listen.

*In our pervious shows we exposed to you the effects of the Pandora papers and how the manipulation of policies and how the abrupt media cover ups has altered the grand scope of our future through the most corrupt and powerful utilizing the offshore financing of their personal wealth to cover up their illegal activities while inflicting pain and suffering globally.

**The discovery of the Pandora Papers quickly united investigative reporters worldwide on what was the biggest story about corruption ever to break in the Fall of 2019.

*To the point they all went right to work to expose what had been taking place and then went silent.

*Their silence today exposes just how powerful the corruption is.

Lead up to Pandora Papers Part I

Pandora Papers Part II

*This week we will connect for you many of these corrupt actions of the powerful tyrannical mindset and how they intend to use deceit and misinformation to strip away our freedoms forever as they throw as much “Bread and Circus” at you to keep you distracted.

*That is how Rome Fell, but we are not an empire so we don’t need to go down that destructive path

*Since the conclusion of WW II the U.S.A. has been moved into the position as the one nation enjoined with its allies as the defenders of the free people worldwide unlike ever before.

*In our current state of civilization the only way for tyranny to flourish and take control is to divide the U.S.A. and its allies by first taking them down individually until only the most powerful is standing but weakened from within to be easily taken down in the end. Destroyed to the point their tyrannical rule will never be able to be challenged again.

*Freedom is under attack unlike ever before and never before in the history of the human race tyranny now has the power to control polices, human thoughts and actions which has never been achievable at this scale.

*Remember technology can be utilized to promote good or evil depending on who controls technology.

*The Chinese Communist Party and their Objective is to prove to the world that freedom/s are dangerous to the future of humanity and people of the planet must accept authoritarian nationalism with the Communist Chinese Party playing the dominate role.

*The BRICS financial system based on the Communist Chinese Yuan and it is being promoted as an alternative to much of the corruption that occurs, but is it really?

*Is Communism after all its failures a better alternative when History shows us the brutality and destruction the concept has implemented worldwide?

**Tonight we will help you understand and expose the avenues of attacks on our freedoms.

**The Petro Dollar The term emerged when the US agreed to offer armed protection to Saudi Arabia in exchange for oil purchased by only U.S. Dollars. It also provided weaponry and other military supplies in an agreement involving the overall sale of oil in US dollars. Moreover, Saudi Arabia would recycle the surplus dollars into the American economic system using US treasury bills.

**The Petro Dollar in a nutshell and the importance to the concept of freedom for the U.S. and the world once again will the U.S. Philosophy of Constitutionalism Freedoms Survive the Onslaught of the Philosophy of the BRICS form or authoritarian nationalism dominated by the Communist Chinese Party?
* We hope now you understand now the significance of what the Petro Dollar means to our countries and others and particularly the power and leverage it has in protecting our freedoms.
*The bottom line is dollars are just ink on paper unless there is a useful commodity to back it.
*keep note of the dates referenced and keep in mind who was in the leadership positions when these events that shape our lives as they occurred throughout our show.
For YouTube viewers we will omit this portion of the show to prevent violating their community standards and provide you the link to this full Part I portion of our video.
**Now let’s take a look at just one of the ways of taking down the U.S. Petrodollar is being perpetrated by lies and deceit.
*Child abuse yes, but the abuse doesn’t just apply to Greta, it applies globally to all of the youth of the world whose parents are so unaware about what is actually taking place or do not care!
*there are far too many examples to expose the fraud from solar weather as it is now being called in layman’s terms that has to do with the Sun and where our galaxy is located in the solar system that effects our ecosystem and planet overall that we have no control over that we don’t have time to expose it all, so the land mass lies should be sufficient enough for now.
*it should be clearer now about what this climate change agenda is really all about, but if it isn’t…
***We chose this BRICS clip because it is from 7 years ago and will allow for us to actually see what has taken place, and will allow us to see where we now stand, how events have shaped our future and why
**Keep in mind this information was generated during the Bush and Obama years and when the Communist leader was in charge of Brazil prior to Balsanaro and Trump coming into power that disrupted the BRICS plan of world dominance, along with India’s Modi aligning with them, more on that at the very end

**Intro to BRICS oversimplified explanation

*BTW BRICS now has over 1/3rd or more of the global GDP, but what occurs when they begin to add other nations to their fold?

*Russia was a weak economy keep that in mind and think about how Putin would have rather had moved closer to the U.S. under Trump and not China

*2001 Goldman Sachs devised this plan and why will also be explained at the very end.

*Seven years ago BRICS had 1/5th of the global economy

*ECONOMIC AND GEOPOLITICAL Positioning their group they added South Africa for its location and mineral wealth, and as a strategic military location

**What was President Trump doing to the Communist Chinese Economy and BRICS while building up the Economies of Our Allies?

**Mexico an attractive future member 2nd largest economy and strategic military location located on the U.S. Southern border.

*Biden Killed the U.S. Economy, under Trump we were energy independent and becoming the dominant producer of oil and natural gas which made us many enemies.

*Think of it this way, if the U.S. Dollar back by Oil and Gas was being produced in the U.S., the U.S. and U.S. principles would be almost invincible and could withstand almost any attack on the U.S. and freedoms it is meant to stand for. No country, no international organization or group with questionable motives like the WEF could bring the U.S. Down.
**What was President Trump doing to the Communist Chinese Economy and BRICS while building up our oil supplies and being energy independent to the point of dominance?

*Could the U.S. have helped the Economies of Our Allies?

* Is Trump right that everything we are seeing take place it is being done unintentionally due to bad policy, or being done deliberately for another reason? What is the End Game
We will explain more in Part II

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