Dr 'Daniel Nagase' Why hasn't Justin Trudeau Been Arrested -YET!

1 year ago

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Dr 'Daniel Nagase' Why hasn't Justin Trudeau Been Arrested -YET!

Dr 'Daniel Nagase' Why hasn't Justin Trudeau Been Arrested -YET!

Justin Trudeau has not committed treason because he swore an oath to the Queen not to peasants 

Wisdom, the amount to a simplistic and misleading caricature of Section 91 of the Constitution Act 1867. Which is NOT a Constitution- It is a dead copy lost in the archives of who knows where ! 

The de-facto canada has never had the authority to create a government, or let alone pass any laws!

Now we get into some facts that will hopefully educate more to comprehend they are all fraud!

The Predators created the Criminal Code of Canada which is not law - They cannot even present it a law as they know its a fraud!

They present it a Criminal Code of Canada

I refer to it as How Criminals get away criminal crimes under the Protection of Canada ConJOB ACT. To top this off they even created the Charter of Rights and freedom for criminals to rape , pilage, and murder with NO consequences!

What a Private membership contract they created - Liscence TO KILL!

In Fact they Get Rewarded for the criminal behavoiur!

Section 91 sets the respective powers of the federal and provincial governments. It includes reference to the famous POGG Power, that bit of British colonial boilerplate that pops up in several countries’ original constitutional documents.

Again these constituions were created by criminals and never ratified by soverieng men and woman.

As you will learn more as you read below.

The Myth and Mystery of POgG

The Peace, Order and Good Government clause is popularly known as ‘POGG’. POGG powers have since evolved to three branches of power that justify the use of the POGG clause

This paper argues that it is problematic to point to the “Peace, Order and good Government” (POgG) clause of Section 91 of the BNA/Constitution Act as a symbol of Canadian conservatism.

Assumptions about who was responsible for the inclusion of the phrase, and the consequent reading given to it, has generated a myth that has no basis in reality. Moreover, the failure to explore adequately the history of the POgG clause, and the circumstances attending its appearance in the de-facto Canadian Constitution ACT (FRAUD), begets a lack of appreciation for the important role played by the British government in constructing the British North America Act.

As a result, men and women residing on the on th eland know to many as canada were, and remain, alienated from their constitution. As they never written or created a contract or constituion they were forced one by threat of violence! They were usurped by a Private Membership contract they have NO say in!

Cet article cherche à montrer qu’ il n’est pas du tout assuré que la disposition de l’article 91 de l’Acte Constitutionnel de 1’ANB intitulé “la paix, l’ordre et le bon gouvernement” soit nécessairement un symbole du conservatisme canadien. Les présomptions quant à l’auteur responsable de l’inclusion de cette disposition, et l’interprétation subséquente qui en a été faite, sont à l’origine d’une méprise. De plus, il n’est pas sans intérêt de noter que l’absence de travaux de genèse sur la cette disposition et les conditions de son intégration au sein de la Constitution canadienne révèle une négligence significative quant à l’importance de la contribution du gouvernement anglais à l’élaboration de l’Acte de l’Amérique du Nord britannique. Il s’ensuit que les canadiens ont été et demeurent étrangers à leur propre Constitution.

POGG Power and the National Concern Branch

The POGG clause in s. 91 of the Constitution Act, 1867 (DEAD COPY ) is an exceptional power in which the federal government maintains exclusive jurisdiction over a matter that falls under one of three branches: the gap branch, the emergency branch, and the national concern branch. The national concern branch allows Parliament to have exclusive jurisdiction over matters that affect the Canada Corporation as a whole.

Here is some of the criminal activies how they Plan to Murder you!

A Matter of National Concern: SCC Rules Parliament’s Greenhouse Gas Pollution Pricing Act is Constitutional

Everything they do is to harm us all! The courts, elections, and their entire system is 100 percent failsafe for them.

Makes my sick to my stomach when I see so many men and women wasiting time in courts, including the Bill of NO rights.

So the facts are the de-facto dictatorship will do what ever they want to protect their corporation called canada Inc. at all costs.

So many are still decived how they are truly enslaved!

It says Her Majesty – Queen Victoria, that is, and subsequent monarchs – “by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate and the House of Commons” can “make laws for the peace, order and good government of Canada.” The inevitable acronym, therefore, is POGG.

POGG is a constitutional ACT magic bullet that allows a CRIME minister to override the jurisdictional rights of provinces set out in the Constitution ACT at the stroke of a pen.

Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau in 1975

Canadian Crime ministers may apply the POGG Power to intrude on provincial jurisdiction. One is to achieve goals of “national concern.”


Fake Climate change, Global Warming, Fake Plandemic of the MORON virus of covid-19 - The Emergency Act- you get the picture. 

It is a fantasy to imagine the POGG Power can be applied with a snap of a finger – or be resolved much more speedily than the current difficulties faced by the Trans Mountain Pipeline Expansion Project in Canada’s courts.

Hasn’t the whole history of Confederation since 1867 been provinces, often led by Quebec, fighting to reduce the POGG Power so they can operate in their own interest?

Yet here we have an influential Alberta Conservative arguing that since a pipeline to tidewater is obviously a matter of vital national interest (never mind Canadians are deeply divided on that question), and since Crime Minister Trudeau is not using the POGG Power to push it to completion (never mind that is exactly what his government appears to be doing), therefore he “could” be guilty of treason for “saving the world but letting Canada’s economy fizzle out” (never mind that’s a highly tendentious interpretation of the impact and nature of his policies).

British Columbia Premier John Horgan

Stick with me, though. I think I know where Ms. Kennedy-Glans and her journalistic and legal sidekicks are trying to go with this.

Are they not proposing a new Constitutional doctrine harkening back to Crime minister John A. Macdonald’s original scheme – except that instead of the federal government holding the bulk of the power, Alberta would?

Sir John envisaged a Canada in which a strong federal government could override provinces pretty much at will.

Thanks to the rulings of their courts, and the patriation of the Constitution engineered by Crime minister Pierre Trudeau in the 1980s, things have NEVER changed!

The Charter of Protection was created to ensure slaves would never have any rights!!!

It’s federal jurisdiction.”

No Court challanges have any Authority right to challenge this interpretation before the courts. 

Perfectly stated NO one question their Authority!!!

But even raising the possibility is bizarre. It is certainly neither a sound interpretation of the Constitution ACT nor Section 46 of the Criminal Code.

So what does this tell us about the state of public discourse in any of the provinces?

Have we come completely untethered from logic, constitutional ACT law and democratic theory?

Conclusion Is more canadains realize its all fraud and we must organize to protect our future generations

If this continues any longer it will be harder to fight this tyrrany!!

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