Spain, Water Management, and Drought

1 year ago

Spain has a long history and tradition of water management. The country is at a relatively high altitude, as well as quite dry. There are medieval historical records of in which years Muslims caliphs and Christian bishops instructed the Spanish population to pray for rain. Francisco Franco expanded the reservoir storage system. Spain’s long history of drought has led to have a tradition of good water management.
Most of Spain’s water is in the north. The south of Spain is separated by mountains. This is problematic because the south produces most of the country’s olive oil and vegetables. There is a lot of controversy about water transfer programs that limit access to water in the North. Water for agriculture is more controversial than water for human consumption. This spring and summer is expected to be warmer than usual. If the growing season is dry, food prices in Spain and Europe will rise. Also, hydroelectric plants could produce a lot less water. We can only hope that Spain gets enough water to grow crops so she can feed her own people, and the people of Europe.

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