Athlete completes 500-day stint alone in cave

1 year ago

A Spanish extreme athlete has finally emerged into the daylight after spending a record-breaking 500 days alone in a cave, 70-metres (230 feet) underground. 50-year-old Beatriz Flamini began the antisocial mole-people stunt in November 2021, in order to study the capacities of the human mind and circadian rhythms. She was closely monitored by scientists during her stay, but had no human contact.
Flamini described her time in the cave as 'excellent', adding that she didn't actually want to come out. 'When they came in to get me, I was asleep. I thought something had happened. I said: 'Already? Surely not.' I hadn't finished my book.'
It all sounds pretty relaxing to be fair. Holiday companies, take note.

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