My World Too | S2 | Ep3 | ScrapsKC, Farmers Markets, Residential Solar Power

1 year ago

ScrapsKC - Whitney Manney takes us on a tour of a creative re-use thrift store in Kansas City. Creative re-use thrift stores take items that would normally go to a landfill and re-purposes those items into arts and crafts materials. ScapsKC is working to divert 1,000s of pounds of materials from the city’s landfills.
Farmers Markets - Every day across the country farmers bring their fresh produce to farmers markets. Ashlee Skinner visits a farmers market in Lawrence Kansas and learns about the environmental, economic, and social impact that farmers markets have on local communities.
Residential Solar Power - People everywhere are making the choice to add solar power to their homes. Nick Schmitz visits a solar installation company to learn about the cost and benefits to adding solar power to your home.

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