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Pieces Of Lucie#25 | Murder By Design

1 year ago

Lucie Blackman thought she was hot but that brief was often balanced self-judged ordinariness tormenting her in periods of depression. 'I constantly hate myself,' she wrote in her diary. 'I'm so average . . .

'I hate the way I look, I hate my hair, I hate my face, I hate my slanty eyes, I hate the mole on my face, I hate my teeth, I hate my chin. I hate my boobs, my fat hips, my fat stomach. I am so fucked up to my neck in debt and so badly need to do well.'

Lucie drank too much, spent too much and her self-esteem was shaky. So, yes, in all of that she was a pretty normal 21-year-old.

But even as she wrote those self-deprecating words, she was doing something very out of the ordinary with her life.

The friend she grew up with had it all, looks, personality and life came easy for her and the girls did everything together, even fucked the sam guy and both got jobs as flight attendants for British Airways, so when she suggested they recall escorts in Japan and not to worry cause they don't have to fuck anyone and that Japanese men are harmless and aren't interested in sex, they jumped a flight, through their uniforms in the airport garbage and hit the clubs of Tokyo red light district but they made a fatal mistake and one of them would pay for it with their life.