Violences against a woman as she protested a drag queen story hour @Bookery in Manchester,NH

1 year ago

Here is the timestamps so it is easy for you to follow:

1:30-1:52: A kid in red T shirt kicks my sign, a guy in brown shirt grabs 4 of my signs.
3:39-4:09: A guy wears black cap steps on and kicks my signs and admits it proudly. Another couple both wear sun glasses purposely step on my signs as they walk by.
4:18-4:40: Woman in green T shirt takes my signs inside the Bookery store before throwing it back outside.


After seeing what happened in my live stream, one of my friends called to check up on me. During our conversation, I told her what happened to me at the end of the rally against the drag queen story time at the Bookery Manchester today was "an accident" after she praised me for "being so brave"...hihi...that was very kind of her but for the record...I am not "brave" in any way...I was just so naive thinking that Manchester, New Hampshire is not that bad like Boston, Massachusetts...and I think it was a normal and safe thing to do: standing in the public square with my home made signs and voice up my personal opinions about why we should protect our children, our future leaders from harms...It is a New Hampshire thing to do...I did not go to this rally alone...I got words late this morning so I emailed this news out to my network and posted it on social media to raise awareness and just in case anyone can be available at the last minute...hopefully they can make it too...and Thank God many of my friends showed up and we were there together...there were many people dressing in PROUD BOYS uniforms and we stood beside each other in front of the Bookery store the whole time...there were another group holding LGBQT flags and signs stood across the street and one guy babbling back and forth near us ...and there was another man who disagrees with both the end...everyone on all sides least that is what I thought and I did not know some of the liberals were still hanging around (they wear normal clothing and hold no signs)...I have been busy doing my media stuffs: taking photos and doing live stream as usual so I did not have a chance to voice my opinions about this book reading to little kids by a drag queen...that is why I stay to do my part then the liberals started to ganged up on me to steal and destroy my signs...1 kid, 3 men, 2 women...against just me alone...a 120 lbs woman...and I caught most of them and their illegal violent actions on my live stream. Here is the timestamps so it is easy for you to follow:

1:30-1:52: A kid in red T shirt kicks my sign, a guy in brown shirt grabs 4 of my signs.
3:39-4:09: A guy wears black cap steps on and kicks my signs and admits it proudly. Another couple both wear sun glasses purposely step on my signs as they walk by.
4:18-4:40: Woman in green T shirt takes my signs inside the Bookery store before throwing it back outside.

I am so sad how people cannot express their different opinions via their voice in peaceful way...Why do people have to resort to violent actions and think it is ok? Didn't their family teach them anything about basic social skills? Didn't their teachers teach them anything about how to handle themselves in the public? The liberals always brag about their missions of "love and tolerance" but you can watch their violent actions to prove otherwise....I was so sad and crying my heart out because I lost something very valuable to me: my freedom of expression, my freedom of assembly...I have no such rights in my homeland Vietnam...a country ruled by communist since 1975...I was so happy to be an American citizen and love to exercise my wonderful rights that guaranteed in the US constitutions...but here comes the American communists = liberals = democrats bullied and intimidated me and the public to send me straight back to the communist world that my family fled from almost 30 years ago...the ground I stood on today was Manchester, New Hampshire but I felt just like I was in the middle of Saigon, Vietnam somehow?...and all bad memories rushing back haunting me all over again!

Like I said, I thought what happened today was just "an accident"...but the more I pondered upon it...the more I see that it was not an accident after all...God sent so many wingless angels my way in such a short period of time to defend comfort stand by me and even walked me to my car then asked for a hug to let me know that there are good people in this world that cares about our children and will not tolerate injustices also...I praised God for sending the Union Leader reporters out at such a perfect timing to witness the whole see those ill mannered liberals stomped my signs, stole my signs and bullied me...I praise God for sending many other reporters that I did not know their names nor organization and many citizens to witness the whole incident from the inside and outside that Bookery store...I am happy that God used my sufferings to wake up something inside each of those people that encountered this incident today in person and via my videos and this article...and I believe deep inside of everyone's heart...there is KINDNESS...not just programed by letter "R" or "D" or "LGBTQ" etc like a robot...I believe only God has the power to change people's mind and heart and we are just empty vessels for God to use in His ways...I am thankful to God for keeping me and everyone safe from harms and for letting me know through others around me that He is with me in every step that I take while doing His works! I know God already won the battle against evils and this life is very is like a flash in time and soon we will all have to face God in the end of our time on this earth...we will all have to account to God for what we have done and should have done and haven't done enough for His kingdom to come...and I am at peace knowing what I have done everything that the Holy Spirits guided my heart to do within my limited abilities and time. By the way, the liberals damaged my signs but I am not hurt physically so thank you all for concerning about me!
Thank you to all for your support and kind words of encouragement! Thank you for spreading words and photos and videos to help protecting our children, our future leaders, our country, our freedom!

God Bless us all!

New Hampshire, Saturday April 15, 2023

Chau Kelley

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