20-minute vlog featuring a 10-minute abs workout led by Morgan Rose Moroney.

1 year ago



Welcome to this 20-minute vlog featuring a 10-minute abs workout led by Morgan Rose Moroney. This quick and effective workout is designed to help you strengthen and tone your core muscles in just 10 minutes.

To begin, find a comfortable space where you can lie down on your back. Place your hands behind your head, elbows out to the sides, and your knees bent with your feet flat on the ground.

Start with basic crunches by lifting your head and shoulders off the ground, engaging your abs, and slowly lowering back down. Do this for 10 reps.

Next, move into bicycle crunches by lifting your head and shoulders off the ground, bringing your right elbow to your left knee as you extend your right leg out. Alternate sides for 10 reps.

Move into reverse crunches by keeping your hands behind your head and bringing your knees up towards your chest. As you lift your hips off the ground, engage your lower abs. Lower back down for 10 reps.

Next, do leg raises by lying flat on your back and raising your legs straight up towards the ceiling. Lower back down slowly and repeat for 10 reps.

Finally, finish with a plank hold by coming into a high plank position, engaging your core and keeping your back straight. Hold for 30 seconds.

Repeat this circuit for a total of 10 minutes, taking breaks as needed. This quick and effective abs workout is perfect for incorporating into your daily routine to help strengthen and tone your core muscles. Thank you for joining us for this 20-minute vlog featuring a 10-minute abs workout led by Morgan Rose Moroney.

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