The End of the Pandemic

1 year ago

What is the purpose of the pandemic? Is it to arouse mankind to develop a toxic injection that causes our immune system to produce antibodies? No.
It is to arouse mankind to become closer to HaShem. The fighting going on between various groups about going to work and wearing masks etc. is the source of the illness itself.
The end of the pandemic will be when we become holy Godly people by taking care of ourselves physically, emotionally, and spiritually. And treat others as holy people created in Gods image. Thinking well of them. Speaking with respect and dignity. Doing acts of loving kindness. These two steps will create a healthy immune system in everyone.
Anyone who doesn't change, HaShem in His infinite compassion will send some medical procedure or social behavior to defer the pandemic until the next outbreak. But, as any loving parent, our Father in heaven will bring us all to true health and salvation speedily in our days.

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