A sustainable future - why the world will take us kicking and screaming towards permaculture.

3 years ago

I have been meaning to do a video like this for a long time, and finally got the motivation to do it. I like to keep it fairly positive here, but there are realities that we need to face with our lives, our impact on the planet, and without looking at these, we cannot form a proper plan for the future. However, I'm going to swerve from the doom and gloom conclusion and instead propose that, by necessity, by definition, all roads actually lead us towards permaculture.

And it makes sense if you think about it. Why are you watching a video about permaculture? Why did you become interested in saving the planet in the first place? It was probably a lot like my experience. I came into realization of how the life I was leading - the life we all are conditioned from birth to lead - was doing to the planet we depend on.

And there's so much I didn't touch on in this video. There's so much left unsaid that I didn't say. Whether it's the loss of topsoil epidemic that looks unavailable at this point (http://large.stanford.edu/courses/2015/ph240/verso2/), or the fact that we currently find ourselves inside the 6th major extinction crisis (https://www.cnn.com/interactive/2016/12/specials/vanishing/), or ocean acidification causing phytoplankton collapse (https://www.whoi.edu/know-your-ocean/ocean-topics/ocean-chemistry/ocean-acidification/), there is a lot more than direct climate change issues that we are dealing with right now.

Now ask yourself is exponential growth is possible on a finite planet? I think your kindergarten kid could probably answer that one correctly.

One thing that Covid-19 has taught us is that we as species are terribly prepared to deal with even minor disturbances to our every day life. And yes, coronavirus is a VERY MINOR disturbance compared to what lies ahead of us on the road. We also can pretty much rest assured that our governments are likely to fail us in a big way in their response to them. I mean, as evidence, how much have we done to prepare ourselves for covid? How much have we done to prepare ourselves for logistics disruptions? How sustainable is the energy infrastructure in your area that you are going to need to rely on for the future?

And the most alarming part? Right now our logistics distruptions are via self-imposed lockdowns. How bad may things get when the disruption cannot be solved by simply turning the self-imposed lockdown off.

And this isn't to scare you. This is to EMPOWER you. To light a fire under your sweet little tush. Nobody is going to do anything to help you. So you better get your butt in gear, and you better get some resiliency to disruption in your life.

And the good news?

The solution to pretty much ANY disruption is the same. Take control of at least some of the things you need - so that your dependence on the current systems in place is minimized. Food, water, shelter, sanitation, security, energy. Start working on those.

Does that mean building a bunker and stocking it with guns and ammo? Not really. But maybe start a garden, plant some fruit trees, store some firewood, and pick up a backup generator. Maybe start canning and storing some food - you know - like EVERYONE in the past few thousand years did.

The good news is more than that though. Because all solutions to these problems actually lead humanity to a better world. For the big picture, it just makes a lot of sense for us to become more self-sufficient. And if we don't, well - nature will force it on us. The price will be large, but the remaining people will certainly be self sufficient, because the ones that weren't maybe didn't make it.

It's time we wake up, but rest assured that even if we don't, nature WILL wake us up. All roads lead to permaculture, to sustainability, and to living with the natural world, and not abusing it. The only factor is how much pain we experience before we decide to change. So choose. And change today.

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Music credits:
Closer by Jay Someday | https://soundcloud.com/jaysomeday
Music promoted by https://www.free-stock-music.com
Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License

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