How to pick easy a good stock?

1 year ago

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Pie with good stocks:
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For all who want read it in silence, here is the text from the video:
Today we wanna talk about how to find a good stock.

I saw so many useless analysis tools to find good stocks.

We wanna use one simple number over years to find in a simple way a good stock.

We see here the chart of the stock Charles Schwab.
It is a stock that lost lot of value through bank crisis.

We wanna look if it is now a good investment.

Here we see the sales volume of our stock.

Is that a good indicator for buying that stock?

The sales volume is a very bad indicator!

Every company can manipulate it until it looks nice.

Here we see two other indicators: EBIT and EBITDA.

What is the best indicator?

EBIT means earnings before income and taxes.

EBITDA means earnings before income, taxes, depreciation and amortization.

So we see that EBITDA is the pure win and we should look for it.

Now we see the margin in EBITDA.
It means the ratio of the number of EBITDA to the complete sales volume.

So the margin say us if the company is good.

When the margin is positive since years then the company is good.

Is our stock Charles Schwab so good that we can buy it?

In theory I would say yes cause the marge is very nice.

For sure you have to look for price for buying. Until it reaches that price put the stock on your watchlist like I did in my insta profil.
For example could be a good price for buying that it is under average of prices in hole time that stock exist.
Then you can calculate that value and set the stock for that price on your watchlist.

Look for more stocks and train yourself when a stock look good because of marge in EBITDA.

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