[SHERLOCK HOLMES: THE AWAKENED] Chapter 2: The Blood - Red Night - Part#2

1 year ago

The Blood Red Night - #start: (0:00)

Dock Worker: (2:27)

Barmaid - The Cursed Mermaid #1: (3:03)
- Barmaid Observation

Missing Person Poster: (8:50)

Bulletin Board :(10:00)

Barmaid - The Cursed Mermaid #2: (11:21)

Nepali Boy - Daya's House: (12:50)
- Nepali Boy's Testimony

Altar: (14:45)
- Amonite Pendant
- Photo of Girvesh

Random People on the Street: (19:19)
- Solsby Whereabout

Roy Solsby: (21:47)
- Roy Solsby Observation
- Roy Solsby Testimony

Barmaid - The Cursed Mermaid #3: (29:00)
- Barmaid Testimony

Who Abducted Kimihia: (46:05)
- Kimihia's Abductor

Confront Roy Solsby: (47:35)
- Roy Solsby Testimony Updated

Confront Barmaid - The Cursed Mermaid: (50:40))
- Rusty Key

* 'Dirty' Sommers Room
Painting: (53:21)
Table - 4 Clues: (53:35)
- 5 Shillings
- Invoice for Sailcloth
- Hiring Notice
- Strange Symbols

Where is Kimihia?: (55:07)

Barmaid - The Cursed Mermaid #4: (56:50)

Warehouse 12: (59:25)

Sailcloth - 2 Clues :(1:01:55)
- Mould
- Torn

Window - 3 Clues: (1:02:25)
- Scratch
- Crowbar
- Dried Mud

Crank (1:03:17)
Cart: (1:03:33)
Hidden Passage: (1:03:50)

Hallucination #1: (1:05:20)
Key: (1:11:05)

Hallucination #2: (1:13:20)
Bridge: (1:18:45)

Hallucination #3: (1:19:20)
Key #1: (1:20:35)
Key #2: (1:21:47)
Bridge: (1:23:31)

Back to Reality: (1:23:40)

Dr. John Watson: (1:24:06)

Sherlock / Watson: (1:25:03)

Corner (Imagination Node) - 4 Clues: (1:25:45)
- Cross Inside Rectangle
- Human Hair & Blood
- American Clothes
- Rope

Big Statue: (1:27:25)

Table #1 (Imagination Node) - 4 Clues : (1:27:37)
- Amos Colby's Passport
- Advertisement Flyer
- Pendants
- Bloodstained Dagger

Table #2 (Imagination Node #1) - 2 Clues: (1:28:45)
- Experiment Set
- Narcotic Substance / Black Edelweiss Institute

Coffin (Imagination Node #2) - 3 Clues: (1:29:55)
- Small Blood Stain
- Broken Part
- Deep Scratches

Censer: (1:31:06)

Symbols (Imagination Node #3): (1:31:21)

Food: (1:31:41)

Clothes (Imagination Node #4) - 2 Clues: (1:31:53)
- Missing Buttons
- Dumpra

Painting: (1:32:21)
Photos: (1:32:40)

Body on the Altar (Imagination Node #5) - 4 Clues: (1:33:38)
- Strangled Mark
- Bloated Abdomen
- Needle Prick
- Broken Nail

Warehouse 12 Happenings: (1:37:16)

Who is the Dead Man on the Altar?: (1:38:57)

Where Have the Abducted Been Sent to?: (1:43:25)
The Blood Red Night - #end: (1:44:17)

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