Making Dipped Candles

1 year ago
This recipe makes six 10 x three-quarter inch tapers.

You will need

• 4 pounds of bees wax.
• Three 24-inch lengths of flat-braided 2/0 wick
• A drying rack. You can make a drying rack by hammering pairs of nails into a board or by suspending a dowel or slat between two chairs.


Place a 12-inch dipping can in the bottom of a double boiler over medium heat.

Heat the wax to 160° F.

To start dipping your candle pairs drape a wick over 3 fingers so the sides hang separately and evenly.

Dip the lower 10 1/2 inches of wick into the wax and hold for 10 seconds.

Remove the wick and hang it on a drying rack to dry.

This primes the wick and adds the first layer to the candle.

Dip the other two lengths of wick the same as the first. Be sure to check the temperature of the wax often to maintain a constant temperature of 160° F.

Start with the first pair again and dip only the lower 10 inches of the wick to create a 10-inch candle.

Repeat again with the other two pairs hanging the pairs on the drying rack each time.

The optimum drying time between dips depends on your workroom temperature. The cooler the room, the shorter the drying time.

For the best results dip the candles while the previous layer is still tacky.

Continue dipping the candles until they measure 3/4 of an inch in diameter (about 30 dips) then dip once more.

To give the candle a smooth, clean finish, bring the wax temperature up to 180° F.

Dip each pair for 3 seconds.

Allow the candles to cool for 4 minutes.

Hold the candle with a sheet of waxed paper to keep from leaving imprints.

Trim the base of the finished candles with a sharp knife.

Return the candles to the drying rack and allow to cool for several hours or overnight.

Trim the wicks to 1/4 inch and the candles are ready to light.

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