WEF & UN Agenda 2030 'One New World Order' Fake 'Climate Change' Exposed... Again! [14.04.2023]

1 year ago

This is my Rumble channel # 2.
I can only post on Bitchute and Telegram now...
And Why?
Because I'm a Fucking 'Conspiracy Theorist' Right!
https://www.bitchute.com/channel/osboel/ (8615 subs)
https://t.me/KimOsboel (399 Subs)

Clip 1:
One of the world's most respected scholars, Thomas Sowell:
"Temperatures went up first and then there was the increase in carbon dioxide. You can’t say that A causes B if B happens first."
Clip 2:
WEF & UN Agenda 2030 Fake 'Climate Change' Exposed... Again! Part 2 [14.04.2023]
Australian geologist, Ian Plimer:
The question of whether or not the planet is warming is entirely dependent on when you want to start measuring. If you want to measure from the time of Jesus, then we've had a cooling of about 5° C.
Clip 3:
WEF & UN Agenda 2030 'One World Order' Exposed by Ex Malaysia Prime Minister Dr Mahathi! [14.04.2023]
The New World Order | Former Prime Minister Of Malaysia Dr Mahathir Bin Mohamad
Former Prime Minister Of Malaysia Dr Mahathir Bin Mohamad - Full Speech On The New World Order

The New World Order International Conference 2015-03-09
Ceylon Diary - SBPC Official Channel
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594 views Jul 14, 2022


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