From Vegan and Dying, to Carnivore and Thriving!

1 year ago

Claire nearly died from malnourishment as an anorexic vegan, at one point she dropped her BMI to 9, was unable to walk, lost her vision, and even died in the hospital for 6 minutes before being resuscitated. In the hospital she was tube fed and was made to start eating meat again, and started to retain her health. Now she's full carnivore, healthy, and able to live her life again. She is even recovering from osteopenia and has regained significant bone density after only one year! See her inspirational story and watch her "Beyond the Scale True Healing" podcast.

Claire's bio:
I am a 39 years old woman who has been struggling with anorexia nervosa since childhood. Many traumas brought me deeper and deeper into the eating disorder. Then while being very depressed I discovered veganism. And veganism led me deeper and deeper within anorexia. I suffered from sarcopenia, and lost tones of weight. I ended in a wheelchair, blind, and tube fed. I got a flu in 2017 which became a pneumonia and I died for 6 minutes. I was 33. I reintroduced a little bit of animal protein from this time, and was able to survive but not to live. On 2021 I started a high fat carnivore diet, and I was able to get back to life. I am now back to work, handling my son, my dogs, my life and trying to be active in the carnivore community to spread the word that meat can heal even anorexia nervosa.

I want to spread the word as well that vegan is not healthy. It is helping with mental disorders: to get sicker and sicker!



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Music track: Acoustic Breeze from

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