Prophecy not to be Applied to All, Seattle Goes Insane, We Look at Defunding the Police

1 year ago

One of the most dangerous things in theology today is trying to find everything in the news in prophecy. And part of the error (and honestly more serious) is applying the prophecies (warnings and promises) given to Israel to the United States. We are not "God's people." We are not Judah. We are not the city of Jerusalem. We do not have a covenant with the Lord. This error is most often seen when 2 Chronicles 2:14 is ripped from its context and applied to the USA or even to the "church." Today, we look at this error with a prophecy in Jeremiah.

We look at a couple of pro-trans laws in Seattle: putting rapists into women's prisons and letting boys compete against girls in sports.

We then move on to the Defund the Police movement of 2020. Like I've always said, states and locales can pass all the laws they want, but they need to be able to live with the results. That's how federalism is supposed to work. And as Churchill once said (paraphrased), no matter how beautiful the strategy, sometimes you need to look at the results.

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