[Restoring the Land] Seeds and Seeding, Part One - Maurice G. Kain

1 year ago

ONE of the hardest lessons for a beginner to learn is that cheap seed is the most costly to buy! Why is it cheap? It may be—probably is—not true to name! It may be old—50 to 100% dead or at least weak! It may have been—probably has been—cheaply and therefore carelessly grown and poorly “rogued” (if at all) or otherwise carelessly handled. In no branch of farming is it so true that the penny wise, pound foolish policy is so often or so strikingly illustrated as in the buying of cheap seed.
As no one can grow a successful crop of anything from poor seed, the time and attention devoted to the plants will be largely, if not wholly wasted. The difference in first cost between cheap and “costly” seed is so slight that no one who has his best interests at stake will hesitate to pay it; for the so-called costly seed will, or should meet all the requirements of “good seed”; namely, viability (ability to “come to life”) when conditions—moisture, oxygen and heat—are supplied; freedom from weed seed and debris, 100% true to name, disease-, and insect-free, and ability to produce a crop of uniformity and excellence...
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