NT Biblical Framework #01: Review Creation to Noahic Covenant

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SBC Family,

This year the theme is Service. We are learning how to serve others as Christ served us. He gave us this model in Phil 2:4-10 where He humbled Himself by putting our interests ahead of His own. He did this so we might follow in His footsteps. In Mt 20:25-27 Jesus explained that whoever wishes to become great among you shall be your servant and whoever wishes to be first among you shall be your slave, just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life a ransom for many. These passages all glance at the past as we look to the future. Consider how you can serve by fulfilling a function this year in Potlucks, Nursery, Visiting Homebound, Helping Teach at Fairview Nursing Home or other ways.

As we continue this theme we are returning to the Framework. Service requires Sound Doctrine. It's time to start the NT Framework. This will require us to go back to the OT Framework and review so we can "get up to speed." The categories taught in the OT are the basis for the NT. For example, we will quickly get into the Birth of the King. This momentous event requires that we have the categories of God and man that we learned at Creation since the King is both God and man. They also employ questions that arise from the Fall, since that is where we learn about Sin, yet Christ was somehow born without sin. All of this is viewed together as part of the Christian worldview that makes a Virgin Birth conceivable (no pun intended). It also conjures up ideas related to the image of God, since Christ is the exact image and likeness of God (Heb 1:1). In short, you can see how the NT presupposes the OT and the OT prepared the way for understanding the NT. It is not possible without the OT categories to understand Jesus Christ accurately. God taught things in a specific order that must be followed or else we end up with another Jesus. There are plenty of those. We don't want them. We want the true one. I hope you enjoy getting ramped up for the Birth of the King.

See four attachments:

Noahic Covenant

Grace to you,






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