1 year ago

As empathy compassion, integrity, loyalty morals and ethics had vanished out of society due to greed ego competition. Narrsasists are everywhere. Sociopaths and Psycopaths are preferred as leaders who then destroy corporations and countries.

Yet since everyone is basically the same . A hypocrite Narrsasist , Sociopath, Psycopath, calling out others of the same.

Social media , media , society praises greedy evil ppl who do whatever it takes to make a dollar. So if you admire evil. The evil will destroy everything and everyone.

Society is shameful
Its a fucking disgrace
Its embarrassing to see how far it has fallen and how it is accessible to be like this.

How the bad and evil ppl are admired ad promoted .

Being good will end bad. You will be broke and nobody will be around u bc your broke. You wont have a partner or a spouse bc your broke.and everyone carrs about money.

The best ppl that ever lived were broke homeless and alone. Society and ppl are inherently evil.

Nicolas Tesla the man who created everything we have today. Our modern world. He was used abused and cast out foe being honest kind, caring and compassionate.

Madr homeless broke and alone.

FSOCIETY. It deserves whats coming bc it promotes evil .

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